Sunday, January 13, 2008

The News So Far...

Matthew Burket said...
I run a leamonaid stand in the summer I use the money I make to buy food for The Grimes Food Pantry. So I put it in money that we can spend.

January 13, 2008 4:44 PM

Anonymous said...
Callie and I,Breanna Parker, combined my five dollar bill and her one dollar bill to buy a scarf and a hat for a girl. It was exciting, fun, and an awesome experience.

January 13, 2008 5:17 PM

J-Dub said...
Alex and I, and whoever else would like to join, are going to put all our money together to buy some sandwich ingredients. Then we're gonna make as many as we can and hand them out to the needy!
...Let us know if you'd wanna help!
-Justin W.

January 14, 2008 1:50 PM

Allison Babb said...
Hello there well with the money i recived i didnt something that didnt really pop into my head untill today. I was shocked when i recived the amount i did and prayed to god to lead me inthe right way. I woke up today at six not wanting to to work. I work with younger kids at the YMCA. So i was not in the happiest mood and one of the sweetiest girls named marrissa came over and greated me with a big smile so excited she had won her bible contest at church. Now marissa has had a hard life. But she has the biggest heart i have ever seen for God. She was telling me how she gets ten dollars for allounce each month and a dollar goes to offering and the other goes to an organization that her church is raising money for. her goal is 200 dollars. And right there i knew this is what god wanted me to do with the money. I plan on delivering the note to the family some time this week. I would be more than happy to share the note i wrote to her explaing everything. Marissa is a wounderful girl who has so much good to look forward to. I am so sorry this was long but if any one has any questions about this i would more than be glad to talk. Thank you Kurt and katie for the amazing challange.
-Allison Babb

January 14, 2008 4:49 PM

Dan said...
I went with my 1 dollar to a bookstore. Because they were going to clean out there shelves I was lucky and got against my expectations 4 books for just 1 dollar!
Tomorrow I am going to give the books to a shelter where women and their children can go, when they do not feel save at home because of their husbands/fathers - I hope there are going to like it!

Thanks to Kurt and Katie for the opportunity!!!


January 17, 2008 7:20 PM

Marshall Allen said...
As I was driving home from school, I saw homeless guy on the side of the road that had a sign that said "anything helps" I saw him the week before and thought that this was my chance. I drove to the nearest gas station and bought a hot chicken sandwich with my five dollars. When i got back to where he was at, he was gone. I followed the footprints through the snow and they lead in the direction of the overpass where him and his friend were camped out under.This was God telling me that it had to be more than just handing it to him through the window. When i finally got turned around toward the overpass, i pulled over on the shoulder and turned my hazards on. This was it, i was going to get out of the car during rush hour and climb over the barrier and give this guy a sandwich. I was hesitant at first, but as soon as i got out of the car, i couldn't stop. He met me underneath the bridge halfway and i gave him the sandwich. I could see a rag of a blanket that him and the other guy were using for warmth. He was so happy to see me. I walked back to my car and couldn't stop smiling all the way home.

January 18, 2008 2:05 PM

Erin Boresi said...
I have a friend from work whose mom found out she had breast cancer just before Christmas. I've been trying to be there for her, because my mom had breast cancer too, so I always ask how her mom is doing, how she's doing, etc. I know it's really hard on my friend, because her mom lives far away, so she can't get home to see her very often. The last time I asked how things were going, she said her mom was having a hard time because she lost her hair, and she was also fighting a cold. This is when the lights came on. I took my $1 and I added to it, and had flowers delivered anonymously to her mom in Fort Dodge. A few days later, my friend came up to me and told me about how her mom called her crying because she thought that she had sent them. She said it was the weirdest thing, and she couldn't understand why someone would do something so nice and not want any credit for it. I just smiled and asked if it made her mom happy, and she said that her mom was laughing on the phone like she hadn't heard her laugh in months. I could have cried right there, but I held it together, and thanked God for such an amazing gift that I had been given. Thanks for this great opportunity, guys, and everyone keep up the good work!

January 22, 2008 8:46 AM

Charlie Stover said...
Yesterday I was sitting at a table at a home school group I go to. I was talking to some friends and this kid walks up and asks for a dollar I didn't really think about it for awhile and then it hit me I felt like I God was telling me, "this is it, this is who I want to bless," so by that time, he was already gone. I got up, found him and gave the dollar to him that was given to me. He just looked amazed... It was cool!

January 22, 2008 12:59 PM

Colt 45 said...
I bought a kid a soda in my class because he never usually has enough money to buy little stuff like that!

January 23, 2008 6:48 PM

Danielle said...

I couldn't figure out what I wanted to do with my money. I had prayed about it and for a while nothing came to me. I had a lot of ideas of what I could do but none of them seemed right. My mom took me to a place where you make meals and they come with sides and desserts. They are really good too!!! I decided to make a bunch of meals for the less fortunate.

January 26, 2008 4:31 PM

sam graving said...

first i gave my dad the money since he doesn't have a job right now but he said that he wanted me to give it to someone that needed it more. i saw on tv where you can send $10 to africa for an insecticide treated bed net to save people from getting malaria. i only had $5 so i asked if my parents wanted to give $5 and then we could buy a net to save someones life. we sent our money to

January 27, 2008 4:50 PM

Allie J. said...

I saw someone at my school that was crying and I used the one dollar bill I got from Church to buy her a soda... I didn't even know her that well, but I hoped it helped a little bit. =)

February 4, 2008 2:21 PM

Leah Mianne said...

A few days ago I locked my keys in my car (big surprise). I called into a locksmith to have them come unlock it. This lady runs a small locksmith buisness by herself, and she had to come all the way from Altoona to West Des Moines. Because she had to come all the way to unlock my car which took a whopping 30 seconds, I wanted to give her something extra. Ashley had the bright idea to bless her with a tip. So I insisted she take it because I wanted to bless her.

February 6, 2008 9:47 AM


Anonymous said...

Alex Wolfe and I, and whoever else would like to join, are going to put all our money together to buy some sandwich ingredients. Then we're gonna make as many as we can and hand them out to the needy!
...Let us know if you'd wanna help!
-Justin W.

Anonymous said...

I went with my 1 dollar to a bookstore. Because they were going to clean out there shelves I was lucky and got against my expectations 4 books for just 1 dollar!
Tomorrow I am going to give the books to a shelter where women and their children can go, when they do not feel save at home because of their husbands/fathers - I hope there are going to like it!

Thanks to Kurt and Katie for the opportunity!!!


Anonymous said...

I have a friend from work whose mom found out she had breast cancer just before Christmas. I've been trying to be there for her, because my mom had breast cancer too, so I always ask how her mom is doing, how she's doing, etc. I know it's really hard on my friend, because her mom lives far away, so she can't get home to see her very often. The last time I asked how things were going, she said her mom was having a hard time because she lost her hair, and she was also fighting a cold. This is when the lights came on. I took my $1 and I added to it, and had flowers delivered anonymously to her mom in Fort Dodge. A few days later, my friend came up to me and told me about how her mom called her crying because she thought that she had sent them. She said it was the weirdest thing, and she couldn't understand why someone would do something so nice and not want any credit for it. I just smiled and asked if it made her mom happy, and she said that her mom was laughing on the phone like she hadn't heard her laugh in months. I could have cried right there, but I held it together, and thanked God for such an amazing gift that I had been given. Thanks for this great opportunity, guys, and everyone keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

I bought a kid a soda in my class because he never usually has enough money to buy little stuff like that!

Unknown said...

Danielle Said...
I couldn't figure out what I wanted to do with my money. I had prayed about it and for a while nothing came to me. I had a lot of ideas of what I could do but none of them seemed right. My mom took me to a place where you make meals and they come with sides and desserts. They are really good too!!! I decided to make a bunch of meals for the less fortunate.

Anonymous said...

first i gave my dad the money since he doesn't have a job right now but he said that he wanted me to give it to someone that needed it more. i saw on tv where you can send $10 to africa for an insecticide treated bed net to save people from getting malaria. i only had $5 so i asked if my parents wanted to give $5 and then we could buy a net to save someones life. we sent our money to

Anonymous said...

My family is friends with this couple, Jim and Sue Calhoun. They decided to move to Syria to share the word of God with people who don't know him, and help the people who do. Every month, my parents send them some money to help them with what they're doing.
I had been thinking about what I should do with the dollar I recieved. I thought about giving it to Jim and Sue, but then I thought, 'What good will one dollar do for them?'
I thought about it some more, and I felt God telling me that, even though it's only a dollar, I need to bless them with it. So I gave the dollar to my parents to add to the money they send them. I feel really good about what I chose to do with my dollar. Thanks Kurt and Katie for the amazing [and fun!] oppertunity!